Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder affects about 1 in 100 people
     Also referred to as manic-depression, bipolar disorder is a medical condition that frequently significantly disrupts the lives of both the individuals with the illness and their family members, friends, and coworkers.  Bipolar disorder is often a chronic recurring condition, in which the cycle of mania and depression recurs over a long period of time.   
     This disorder is called Bipolar because the illness makes individuals "swing" between two poles -- mania and depression.  During a manic phase a person may be easily distracted, talkative, sleep little, and engage in frenzied activity.   Following a manic phase, the person "crashes" into a state of  depression.  He or she may eat and sleep a lot, suffer low self-esteem, feel worthless and sad, and have little interest in pleasurable activities. Sometimes the mood switches are dramatic and rapid, but most often they are gradual. 
What are the signs of a manic episode?  
     Mood swings that are not excessive are often normal. However, if an individual has been euphoric, talkative, and awake for several days (without abusing drugs), and if this behavior then turns to deep depression and suicidal thoughts, medical help may be necessary.  For a mood swing to be considered a manic episode, several of the following symptoms must appear to the point that they can be viewed as intrusive and persist for at least one week.  
Extreme or inappropriate elation.  People experiencing a manic episode may feel "high" for days or weeks at a time. 
A demanding attitude.  During mania, individuals frequently make unreasonable demands.  They may become headstrong, thoughtless, and intrusive.  
Belligerence.  People who are manic may become irritable and belligerent when they encounter obstacles. Sometimes they actually display hostility and anger. 
Poor judgment.   During manic phases, people react haphazardly. Buying sprees, foolish investments, and sexual binges are examples of manic behaviors. 
Incessant activity.  Mania often displays itself through nonstop activity, increased talking, and increased energy. 
Lack of need for sleep.  Manic sufferers may suffer from insomnia:  sleep only a few hours a day, or may even stay up for days at a time.  
Feelings of self-importance.  Inflated self-image is a frequent symptom of mania. 
Distractibility. Patient's thoughts and conversation may seem disconnected. They may focus on trivial or irrelevant things and jump from one topic to another.
Treating Bipolar Disorder  
     Usually, bipolar disorder can be effectively treated once it is diagnosed.  The most effective treatment is a combination of medication, psychotherapy or counseling, and education to change behavior patterns. 
     Unfortunately, many people with this condition resist medication during manic phases because they feel good.  This is detrimental to the individual and involved family members.  Individuals should consult their health care providers about the benefits, risks, side effects,  and costs of all treatment options, so they can make informed decisions. 

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Links to Sites on Bipolar Disorder:

 Roses and Thorns - online support organization

 Bipolar Information Network

 Good Links to Bipolar Disorder Sites

 NAMI/NYC Bipolar Site

 NAMI - Bipolar Resources

 NAMI - Links to Other Sites

 Mental Health Net Bipolar Site

 Online Support Groups for Bipolar Disorders

Free Newsletter On Manic Depression
If you or someone in your family suffers from bipolar disorder (manic depression), you can get a free subscription to Bipolar Network News, published by the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network (a joint project of NAMI and NIMH). To subscribe, call 1-800/518-7326 or write to Bipolar Network News, c/o Stanley Foundation, 5430 Grosvenor Lane, Suite #200, Bethesda, MD 20814. Fax: 301/571-0768. E-mail:   [email protected]
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